Volume 4 - Issue 4 - April- 2021 Back to Monthly Issue
Sr. No. Title/Author Description Received Date Accepted Date/Publication Date Page No. Paper
1 The Effectiveness of Organisational Communication: Strategic Digital Solutions for Cyprus by Dr. Eleftherios M. Colocassides Effective strategies of organisational communication based on digital solutions can create productive results, which can influence the overall strategic planning of digital communication methods. The geographical location of an organisation is a serious factor in the implementation of a strategic communication plan. This article presents, explains, and analyses implementations based on a research design that has been used to collect data, and interpretate the positive and negative impacts that arise from the higher education sector of Cyprus. It also presents new innovative ideas as well as methodologies that could create change in the way an organisation in the higher education sector of Cyprus is operating, and how the transmission of messages by digital leaders could support strategic communication plans and implementations for organisational development. 29-March-2021 29-April-2021/
01 - 06 Download Paper
2 The Main Trends and Features of Banking Marketing in the Digital Economy by S Poliakh, A Rudenko & K Poliakh Keen competition in the market of banking products has made effective marketing activities of banks one of the most important factors of their successful functioning. Changes in the technological and socio-cultural environment require the adjustment of current marketing practices, as well as the active introduction of modern methods of promotion. The development of digital means of data transmission and their active use by the population has led to an interest in digital marketing. The features of bank digital marketing as one of the sectoral types of marketing have been determined. The main characteristics of marketing Ukraine’s banking services have been outlined. The results of the study of major trends in digital marketing used by domestic banks in 2020have been presented. It has been found out that the cost of Internet advertising in the media component of marketing communications increased by 2.9 times up to UAH 2.3 billion, while the volume of television advertising decreased by 8% to UAH 3.9 billion. At the beginning of 2020, the expenses of banking institutions for marketing and advertising increased by UAH 571 million compared with 2016. The results of the research show that in 2020, only 29 out of 75 banks used Chatbots and seven of them used Chatbots as marketing communication channels with their customers. Only 11 banks of Ukraine prove to have significant success in doing marketing activities on social networks. The study allows us to note that most banking organizations are actively using certain tools of digital marketing promotion replacing traditional banking transactions with services based on the use of artificial intelligence, and moving into cyberspace. Only a small number of the analyzed financial institutions use all possible tools of digital marketing. Banking institutions have focused mainly on offering an improved customer experience, with more personalization and more customized services to increase customer satisfaction. 29-March-2021 29-April-2021/
07 - 13 Download Paper
3 Academic Stress in Relation to Academic Performance in Mathematics among Secondary School Students by Anju Sharam & Rajni Lubana In today’s competitive world, there is lot of pressure on students for excellent performance. Grades are given more importance and for achieving good grades, the students are under constant pressure. This give rise to mental stress on students. There are lot of expectations from the students to achieve good grades and excellent academic performance by the parents, teachers and school authorities’ Academic achievement is commonly measured by examinations or continuous assessment but there is no general agreement on how it is best tested. A number of researches have been carried out to study the effect and relationship of academic stress and academic performance. It is possible that stress levels cal be different for two persons which are facing same situation. It depends on which kind of stress affected them both. It can improve their motivation, performance and also can help to improve their productivity. It can affect them negatively as well as positively. Stress and its relationship to related variables are being studied in almost all the disciplines of behavioural sciences. Several researches are carried out on different kinds of stress and its impact in the area of clinical psychology, organizational behaviour, and human resource management. The present study aims to find out the effect of Academic stress on Academic performance in mathematics among secondary school students. 10-February-2021 25-April-2021/
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4 Impact of Positive Attitude of the Front Office Staff on the Guest by Mrs. Chitra Sharma The paper deals with the question of whether the attitude of the staff, specifically their positive attitude, brings positive or negative change in the guests’ behavior. Attitude of the stuff affects the guest experience and satisfaction, in turn determining their return to the hotel. Keeping a positive attitude helps the stuff also manage their explicit and conscious behavior while they fulfill the guest demands. In this paper various methodologies and studies have been used to conclude the same i.e. the correlation between staff’s positive attitude and guest satisfaction. 15-March-2021 26-April-2021/
19 - 26 Download Paper
5 The Protective Role of Alpha Lipoic Acid in Tricyclic Antidepressant Induced Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress by Prof. Dr. S. Hameed Kadar Ali and Dr. K. Wasim Ali Raja Tricyclic antidepressants are a common over-the-counter drug well known for their versatile function from antipsychotic effects to alleviating unrelenting pain in fibromyalgia. Considering their ease of availability, they are one of the most commonly abused drugs either intentionally or unintentionally. Intoxication with these antidepressants causes a wide range of metabolic derangements especially to the enzymes of the mitochondrial free-radical scavenging system. This leads to a mounting up of freeradicals in metabolically active tissue like the liver, brain, etc. This buildup of free-radicals is unmanageable by the in-vivo antioxidant system leading to organ system failure. 1-March-2021 26-April-2021/
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