Volume 7 - Issue 3 - July, August and September 2024 Back to Monthly Issue
Sr. No. Title/Author Description Received Date Accepted Date/Publication Date Page No. Paper
1 Audience Perception of Social Media Blogging on Credibility of Channels Television News, Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) and Cable News Network (CNN) by Nwachukwu Christopher Chinemerem The days where families and friends gathered around a television set to watch programming at specific times via major broadcasters are largely gone. The purpose of this research was to ascertain audience perception of the influence of social media blogging on the credibility of television news with focus on Channels Television News, Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) and Cable News Network (CNN). This research therefore raises the following questions: What are the key factors that contribute to blog credibility in the context of social media? How does social media blogging impact the credibility of television news, particularly in the case of Channels Television News, NTA and CNN?, What are the essential dimensions and indicators of blog credibility in the contemporary digital media environment?, What are the dynamics between social media and traditional media in the digital age? Uses and Gratification theory as well as Technology Determinism Theory were employed in this research. The study employed a quantitative method and the population of study comprised of 300 respondents who are exposed to social media as well television news. This study made use of questionnaire which was administered to each respondent and this generated quantitative data. The study also applied quantitative analytical techniques for its analysis. Results indicated diverse audience perspectives when it came to the impact of social media blogging on television news credibility, with an emphasis on Channels Television News, NTA, and CNN. While social media blogs were discovered to have a significant influence on credibility evaluations, the data revealed differences in the perceived credibility of other news channels. The study recommends that media outlets like CNN, NTA, and Channels Television News should place a high priority on reporting that is accurate, transparent, and accountable to increase credibility. 08-August-2024 30-September-2024/
01 - 27 Download Paper
2 Understanding Gen Z’s Workplace Challenges: Insights from Uttar Pradesh by Dr. Deepti Yadav The objective of the research was to study the demographic profile of Gen Z and to examine the factors responsible for the problems faced by Gen Z in the workplace. The data for the research were collected from citizens of India. A structured questionnaire was prepared for a survey and distributed to respondents through a digital platform using Google Forms online and personal interviews (offline). A response was collected in January, 2024 to March, 2024. Data was collected from both primary and secondary data. Demographic profiles of Gen Z in the workplace are highlighted. Problems faced by Gen Z are discussed. The Cronbach’s alpha value was calculated and was 0.745 which is good and acceptable for research. The data analysis outcome is that 74 respondents strongly agree on having job insecurities as many good people are ready to apply for jobs. 72 respondents strongly agree that Gen Z preferred digital communication over in-person interactions on the job. Gen Z was good in maintaining work and personal life balance as results show 71 respondents strongly agree. 68 respondents strongly agree that the traditional hierarchy structure is sometimes a hurdle for performing employees as promotions and appraisals are not as per their choice and wants. Employers and employees have an age gap, and therefore points of view between them sometimes have differences. Gen Z is always open to the feedback. 03-September-2024 01-October-2024/
28 - 37 Download Paper
3 Evaluating Computerized Maintenance Management System Package in Two-Wheeler Manufacturing Industry by Lakshmi Shankar , Chandan Deep Singh and Ranjit Singh CMMS (computerized maintenance management system) is the specific software for maintenance management of the manufacturing industries to handle complex tasks, work orders, spare part management, asset management, and automatic report generation effectively which saves production time and optimizes maintenance cost. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the maintenance performance of CMMS in the two-wheeler manufacturing industry. CMMS is analyzed in terms of input factors such as computerized material management and inventory control (CMMIC), resource and asset management (RAM), computerized maintenance planning and scheduling (CMPS). Profit, sales, and income are considered as output factors. It has been observed that by implementing CMMS in the two-wheeler industry yielded higher profits, increased sales, reduced downtime by controlling the asset failure rate, inventory control and enhanced productivity by uninterrupted operations due to enhanced availability of the machines. 17-August-2024 02-October-2024/
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